画册设计/广州专业画册设计/12年专注,最佳性价比! 广州专... - 孙恺摄影 - 领帮食拍官网-领邦食品摄影官网-领邦专业食品摄影领帮食品餐饮策划 拍摄 摄影 品牌营销 策划 设计 装饰 一线专业机构,经验丰富,大量成功案例 - 【领帮食拍】 领帮食拍官网-领邦食品摄影官网-领邦专业食品摄影领帮食品餐饮策划 拍摄 摄影 品牌营销 策划 设计 装饰 一线专业机构,经验丰富,大量成功案例

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画册设计/广州专业画册设计/12年专注,最佳性价比! 广州专...









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发表于 2016-12-31 23:59:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




核能品牌策划整合机构(核能文化传播有限公司)作为一家为企业提供深度品牌服务的广告公司。是一家集品牌代理、策划、创意设计、专业影视广告片、专题片、公关媒体投放、执行等为一体的专业综合广告公司,秉承“专注、专业、高效”的理念在广告业中迅速成长,作为广州4A广告协会成员特约单位和中国最具实力的广告设计公司之一, 由业内资深专业人士组成品牌管理团队,均来自实战一线,拥有丰富的市场经验和企业服务经验,为国内外数百家企业提供成功的品牌策划和专业形象设计,拥有丰富的品牌运作经验和成功案例。成立十年间已为200余家大中型企业(其中包括华润万家、海尔集团、合生地产、奔驰汽车、科宝集团)成功提供品牌规划设计和推广服务。











画册设计,,广州专业画册设计广州专业画册画册设计,,广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计 画册设计,,广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计 画册设计,,广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计 画册设计,,广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计 设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计广州专业画册设计

电话:86-020-85945067 13450261687 传真:020-85945067  谢绝一切电话推销!
E-mail:sbc2001@163.com 地址:南泰路168号4号楼3楼康泓锐利专业摄影 

品牌服务热线:13450261687 孙生

服务热线: 13828499589 020-85945067



到末稿(comprehensive layout/comp)这一步,制作已经非常精细,几乎和成品一样。末稿一般都很详尽,有彩色照片、确定好的字体风格、大小和配合用的小图像,再加上一张光喷纸封套。现在,末稿的文案排版以及图像元素的搭配都由电脑来执行,打印出来的广告如同四色清样一般。到这一阶段,所有图像元素都应最后落实。
交给印刷厂复制的末稿,必须把字样和图形都放在准确的位置上。现在,大部分设计人员都采用电脑来完成这一部分工作,完全不需要拼版这道工序。但有些广告主仍保留着传统的版面组合方式,在一张空白版(又叫拼版pasteup)上按各自应处的位置标出黑色字体和美术元素,再用一张透明纸覆盖在上面,标出颜色的色调和位置。由于印刷厂在着手复制之前要用一部大型制版照相机对拼版进行照相,设定广告的基本色调,复制件和胶片,因此,印刷厂常把拼版称为照相制版(camera-ready art)。



一、大幅面印刷的现状 随着大幅面印刷市场的扩展,其应用范围明显扩大,除了海报、广告和标志牌,现在大幅面印刷厂还生产大幅面数字化样张、集装箱、商业展览会、零售点的旗帜和海报以及戏剧和电影的幕布等,甚至进行精细艺术印刷品的印刷。



?随着数字化技术的发展,光学照相生产已经转向数字化照相生产,采用激光或LED成像技术和装置,将连续调照片图像“写”到照相材料上,然后再用传统的化学方法冲洗显影。这种新的成像方法使照相晒印生产获得新生,因为晒印生产比喷墨印刷便宜许多。但数字化照相写真技术基本投资高,达25万美元以上,相比之下,喷墨技术的基本投资只是它的10%。 喷墨印刷系统比较灵活,能够在各种不同类型的承印材料上印刷,同一台机器也可以有多种应用,而照相写真只限于在纸上或室内背后照明的灯箱片上使用。大幅面喷墨印刷市场发展越来越快,耗材品种也越来越多,而随着生产能力的增强,必然迫使耗材价格下降。但机器的印刷分辨力不会比今天有明显的提高,至少在招贴画应用领域是这样。

二、大幅面喷墨印刷的发展 大幅面喷墨印刷技术的核心是墨水与喷墨头,所以墨水与喷墨头的发展情况决定着大幅面喷墨印刷的发展。

目前,墨水与喷墨头都有很大发展。喷墨机使用的油墨走过了从传统水性油墨到溶剂型油墨,再到新一代水性油墨的发展历程。传统水性油墨色彩饱和度好,对喷头和耗材损害小、污染小,但不防水、不抗紫外线。新一代水性油墨解决了防水、抗紫外线等问题,同时具备色彩鲜艳、无腐蚀、无污染等诸多优点,克服了大型喷绘机产品不能进入室内的障碍,必将成为喷绘机用油墨的主流。当前使用环保型水性油墨的有赛天使的SuperJet和CorJet画册印刷印刷机。 由于SuperJet和CorJet使用了新一代喷头和环保水性油墨,它们一进入市场就备受关注。
到末稿(comprehensive layout/comp)这一步,制作已经非常精细,几乎和成品一样。末稿一般都很详尽,有彩色照片、确定好的字体风格、大小和配合用的小图像,再加上一张光喷纸封套。现在,末稿的文案排版以及图像元素的搭配都由电脑来执行,打印出来的广告如同四色清样一般。到这一阶段,所有图像元素都应最后落实。
交给印刷厂复制的末稿,必须把字样和图形都放在准确的位置上。现在,大部分设计人员都采用电脑来完成这一部分工作,完全不需要拼版这道工序。但有些广告主仍保留着传统的版面组合方式,在一张空白版(又叫拼版pasteup)上按各自应处的位置标出黑色字体和美术元素,再用一张透明纸覆盖在上面,标出颜色的色调和位置。由于印刷厂在着手复制之前要用一部大型制版照相机对拼版进行照相,设定广告的基本色调,复制件和胶片,因此,印刷厂常把拼版称为照相制版(camera-ready art)。











制作的关键环节是画册的整体 “策划”。可以毫不犹豫地说,现画册设计的质量要提升,要想准确反映出公司的实力,就必须在明确公司定位的情况下,走“差异化”的道路,高度重视画册的“策划”工作,借助优秀的“策划”让开口说法。




一、大幅面印刷的现状 随着大幅面印刷市场的扩展,其应用范围明显扩大,除了海报、广告和标志牌,现在大幅面印刷厂还生产大幅面数字化样张、集装箱、商业展览会、零售点的旗帜和海报以及戏剧和电影的幕布等,甚至进行精细艺术印刷品的印刷。



?随着数字化技术的发展,光学照相生产已经转向数字化照相生产,采用激光或LED成像技术和装置,将连续调照片图像“写”到照相材料上,然后再用传统的化学方法冲洗显影。这种新的成像方法使照相晒印生产获得新生,因为晒印生产比喷墨印刷便宜许多。但数字化照相写真技术基本投资高,达25万美元以上,相比之下,喷墨技术的基本投资只是它的10%。 喷墨印刷系统比较灵活,能够在各种不同类型的承印材料上印刷,同一台机器也可以有多种应用,而照相写真只限于在纸上或室内背后照明的灯箱片上使用。大幅面喷墨印刷市场发展越来越快,耗材品种也越来越多,而随着生产能力的增强,必然迫使耗材价格下降。但机器的印刷分辨力不会比今天有明显的提高,至少在招贴画应用领域是这样。

二、大幅面喷墨印刷的发展 大幅面喷墨印刷技术的核心是墨水与喷墨头,所以墨水与喷墨头的发展情况决定着大幅面喷墨印刷的发展。

目前,墨水与喷墨头都有很大发展。喷墨机使用的油墨走过了从传统水性油墨到溶剂型油墨,再到新一代水性油墨的发展历程。传统水性油墨色彩饱和度好,对喷头和耗材损害小、污染小,但不防水、不抗紫外线。新一代水性油墨解决了防水、抗紫外线等问题,同时具备色彩鲜艳、无腐蚀、无污染等诸多优点,克服了大型喷绘机产品不能进入室内的障碍,必将成为喷绘机用油墨的主流。当前使用环保型水性油墨的有赛天使的SuperJet和CorJet画册印刷印刷机。 由于SuperJet和CorJet使用了新一代喷头和环保水性油墨,它们一进入市场就备受关注。


电话:86-020-85945067 13450261687 传真:020-85945067  谢绝一切电话推销!
E-mail:sbc2001@163.com 地址:南泰路168号4号楼3楼康泓锐利专业摄影 


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Tel: 86-13450261687 020-85945067 fax: 020-85945067 declined all cold calls!
E-mail:sbc2001@163.com address: south tai road no. 4, 168 3 LouKang acquisitive sharp professional photography
Guangdong ICP for 07024018
Nuclear power brand planning integration transmission co., LTD. :
Sun Sheng brand service hotline: 13450261687
Sharp professional advertising photography organization:
Service hotline: 13828499589 020-85945067
Contact: Robert
QQ: 516414642
Planning design department:
The foot of guangzhou garden road no. 42 # 3 gold research comprehensive building, 301-301
Flat id tent:
Nan tai road no. 4, 168 3 LouKang acquisitive sharp professional photography studio
Nuclear power television advertising production center:
The pearl river film studio
Guangdong ICP for 07024018
Design (design) refers to the art director and graphic designer how to select and configure a advertising art elements. Designers choose specific elements of fine arts and in its unique way for them to combine, in order to set the style of the design - that is, the expression of an idea or image.
Designed by a hollowness to highlight the message. First of all, the size of the photography caught people's attention, shu lang text AD relaxed pleasant, filled the blank in the copy, give a person a kind of feeling of neat and easy to read. Ads while using a wide variety of different elements, these blank makes can keep the harmony and balance between each element.
Under the guidance of art director, several artists create initial composition of the concept of advertising, and then cooperate with copywriting, come up with their own graphic design expertise (including photography, typography, and graphic), to create the most effective advertising or manual.
Layout diagram
Layout (layout) refers to an AD all part of the overall arrangement: image, title, subtitle, text, slogans, seal, sign and signature.
Layout has some effect, first of all, the layout is helpful to advertising company and customer in advance production and evaluation of the final image and feeling, for the customer (they usually are not artists) provide amended, modified, the physical basis of evaluation and recognition.
Second, advertising design layout helps to creative team psychological component - that is, the elements of text and symbols. Savvy advertisers want ads not only brings traffic for oneself, also want to (if possible) kind of personality, image advertising for their products, in consumers' mind to establish brand assets (or enterprise). To do this, the advertising of "shape" must be clearly show a image or atmosphere, reflect or strengthen the advantages of advertisers and their products.
Therefore, when designing advertising layout draft, creative team must expectations of products or corporate image has a strong consciousness. The woodland case, creative people to occupy the main position of the picture of the empty combined with light have the copywriter, main reason is that in order to image. Advertising in the target audience's mind immediately left an indelible impression, and added a few minutes for the brand value.
Third, pick out the best design, layout and play to the role of the blueprint, shows that the proportion of each advertising element and location. Once the production manager to know the size of the one of the advertising, the number of images, composing and the art elements such as color and illustrations are used, the cost of making the advertising they can determine.
Small kind
Small sample (thumbnail), the manifestation is the artists used to layout the rough rendering, small (about 3 x 4 inches), omitted details, more rough, is the most basic things. A straight line or the position of the said the body of water ripple, box said the location of the graphics. Then, select the course of further development.
In details, the artists draw the actual size of advertisement, put forward the final wording of the candidate headings and subheadings, illustrations and photographs, expressed in horizontal lines of text. Can advertising company to the customer, especially care about the cost of the customer, submit details, ask for their approval.
At the end of the manuscript
To the end of the manuscript (comprehensive layout/comp) this step, make have very fine, almost as well as the finished product. At the end of the manuscript is generally very detailed, have a color photo, determine a good font style, size, and cooperate with small images, plus a light spray paper sleeve. Now, at the end of the draft of the document layout and collocation are carried out by a computer to the image elements, the print ads like four-color press proof. At this stage, all image elements should be finally implemented.
Sample manuals, pp material or sell more display holding by the look and feel. Artists using color marker and computer press proof, the sample by hand on the cardboard, then cutting and folding according to size. For example, manual sample is page bound, with real products look the same.
Layout of combination
At the end of the manuscript to the printing copy must be put all the words and graphics accurately position. Now, most of the designers to use the computer to complete this part of work, no idea of this procedure. But some advertisers still retains its traditional layout combinations, in a blank version (also called puzzle pasteup) according to their respective shall be marked in the position of the black font and art elements, and then covered with a transparent paper, mark color is tonal and location. Due to the printing shop before to copy with a large process camera to take pictures of puzzle, basic and tonal, set advertising copy and film, as a result, the printing is often called the puzzle photoengraving (camera ready art).
Any link in the design process - until before the ink on paper -- are likely to advertising art element changes. , of course, as a result, costs can also increase along with the progress of link multiplied, the more in the future, the cost of change, even up to ten times.
Copywriters and art direction has always faced with the problem of "recognition". The bigger advertising company and customers, this procedure is more complicated. A new concept of advertising must first approved by the advertising company, creative director, then in the client's department audit, then passed on to the client's product managers and marketing personnel audit, they tend to change one or two words, sometimes even overthrow the whole presentation. Both sides of the legal department again to strict censorship of copywriters and art elements, in order to avoid problems, finally, the concept of enterprise executives to selected and the body for review.
In the "acceptance" is the biggest difficulties, how to avoid letting the executive advertising the original style. Creative team has spent a lot of effort to find affinity advertising style, but a group of people is not copy, not artists have the right to completely change it. Is very difficult to maintain purity of art, need patience, flexible, mature and clear effectively express the important point of view, can explain the artists choose reason
Picture color supplement details description
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Color and the importance of eyes like our ears must appreciate the music, it's hard to imagine if in a world without color, what will it look like?
Green should be very careful to use, because for most people, have a strong feelings, he have positive and negative. In some cases, it is a kind of friendship, loyalty and understanding. In the field of finance, green is usually used to describe the production areas, health care, but deep down, a lot of people it has often been likened to envy, mean.
Gray in most cases, a conservative, it represents, practical, and sadness, security and reliability. It may be a boring color, on behalf of the square, no vitality. Is to take it as a background, unless you want to put the dim and conservative ideas convey your customers, you'd better choose other neutral colors for the background color, such as light brown and white. But if grey properly mixed with a certain cool color, such as depression, depression may be successful. ?
For most people the lavender can express color feelings is another kind of color, is often used in romantic story, nostalgic nostalgia, and emphasizes the beautiful case, for creativity, uneven constancy, with unforgettable sex, it is also often used.
Whether we like pink and light purple. It is rich in gentle and feminine implication, when use requirements we must depend on your specific situation.
Purple is a mysterious color, symbol of imperial power and spiritual, for unconventional and creativity, it is not only a good choice, it is the only choice.
Orange is a warm, enthusiastic, dynamic and luxury. If you want to do is gorgeous and eye-catching, so please use the orange! As a prominent tonal, it may stimulate your customer emotion, so it's best to use, put it on the appearance outstanding working position. And must remember to carefully use the orange and blue. ?
Red is the most warm color, express the meaning of enthusiasm and passion. Heat and fire, the speed and passion, generosity and excited, competition and attack can be red. It may be to stimulate the unquiet color. But used with brown, blue, shallow purple, not so good. Red expressed by temperament, like orange, brown, yellow, you can easily express your emotions.
In the design, we have more color to choose, but we must choose the most suitable color.
Pictorial printing and screen printing
Large-format inkjet printing is a way of pictorial printing, compared with the traditional way of screen printing, has many advantages. Extremely rapid development in recent years, in particular, has been gradually penetrating to the traditional printing field. This article discusses the present situation and the development of large format printing, and analyzes the traditional large-format printing and screen printing both opportunities and challenges. Printer to correct view and grasp the relationship between the two.
As a kind of new digital printing printing solution is developing rapidly, and has set up a permeated various fields of traditional printing, large-format inkjet printing, in particular, has become the fastest growing in recent years, the most attention by manufacturers and users favor, has a broad market and great prospects for development.
A, the present situation of the large format printing Along with the expansion of large format printing market, significantly expanding its application range, in addition to the posters, ads, and signs, now a large-format printers also produce large-format digital proof, containers, commercial exhibition, point-of-sale flags and posters and the curtain of dramas and movies, even in fine art prints of printing.
Now, because of inkjet technology can solve many problems, its almost everywhere in the whole industry. At present, inkjet printing mainly has three methods: thermal spraying method, heat the liquid ink and through elaborate on the nozzle to the substrate; Piezoelectric method, the application of electrical pulses (not heat) release oily solid ink; Political reform, printer melt filling of waxy paint, then sprayed onto the substrate. The three different printing methods are quite different from the printing speed, the speed of liquid thermal spray the slowest, the piezoelectric method is the fastest, reform in between.
In cosmetics, fashion, food, watches and jewelry and so on poster advertising, picture poster production still maintained a considerable market share, this is mainly because the emergence of digital photo machine. Due to large format inkjet printer faster and faster, the production cost is lower, so more and more high quality product is the production of this new technology.
? With the development of digital technology, optical camera production has shifted to a digital camera production, using a laser or LED imaging technology and equipment, the continuous adjustable photo image "write" on photographic materials, and then developed with the traditional chemical methods. This new imaging methods make photographic printing production, because is cheaper than inkjet printing many printing production. But digital camera photo technology basic investment is high, more than $250000, by contrast, inkjet technology basic investment is only 10% of it. Inkjet printing system is more flexible, able to print on various types of substrates, the same machine can also have a variety of applications, but behind the camera photo only on paper or indoor lighting box used on a chip. Large-format inkjet printing market development faster and faster, consumables varieties more and more, and with the augmentation of the production capacity, will force the material prices down. But the machine printing resolution than today have no obvious increase, at least in the poster application field.
Second, the development of large-format inkjet printing large-format inkjet printing technology is the core of the ink and ink jet head, so the development of ink and ink jet head determines the development of large-format inkjet printing.
At present, ink and ink jet head have very big development. Inkjet machine use the ink has come from the traditional water-based ink to solvent-based inks, to the development of a new generation of water-based ink. Traditional water-based ink color saturation, the nozzle and the material damage small, small pollution, but not waterproof, anti-ultraviolet radiation. A new generation of water-based ink has solved the problem such as waterproof, anti-ultraviolet radiation, at the same time have bright colors, no corrosion, no pollution, and many other advantages, to overcome the large print machine products cannot enter indoor obstacles, will become the mainstream of the print machine ink. The current use of environmentally friendly water-based ink has the angel SuperJet and CorJet pictorial printing presses. Because the SuperJet and CorJet USES a new generation of nozzle and environmentally friendly water-based ink, as soon as they enter the market.
Design (design) refers to the art director and graphic designer how to select and configure a advertising art elements. Designers choose specific elements of fine arts and in its unique way for them to combine, in order to set the style of the design - that is, the expression of an idea or image.
Designed by a hollowness to highlight the message. First of all, the size of the photography caught people's attention, shu lang text AD relaxed pleasant, filled the blank in the copy, give a person a kind of feeling of neat and easy to read. Ads while using a wide variety of different elements, these blank makes can keep the harmony and balance between each element.
Under the guidance of art director, several artists create initial composition of the concept of advertising, and then cooperate with copywriting, come up with their own graphic design expertise (including photography, typography, and graphic), to create the most effective advertising or manual.
Layout diagram
Layout (layout) refers to an AD all part of the overall arrangement: image, title, subtitle, text, slogans, seal, sign and signature.
Layout has some effect, first of all, the layout is helpful to advertising company and customer in advance production and evaluation of the final image and feeling, for the customer (they usually are not artists) provide amended, modified, the physical basis of evaluation and recognition.
Second, advertising design layout helps to creative team psychological component - that is, the elements of text and symbols. Savvy advertisers want ads not only brings traffic for oneself, also want to (if possible) kind of personality, image advertising for their products, in consumers' mind to establish brand assets (or enterprise). To do this, the advertising of "shape" must be clearly show a image or atmosphere, reflect or strengthen the advantages of advertisers and their products.
Therefore, when designing advertising layout draft, creative team must expectations of products or corporate image has a strong consciousness. The woodland case, creative people to occupy the main position of the picture of the empty combined with light have the copywriter, main reason is that in order to image. Advertising in the target audience's mind immediately left an indelible impression, and added a few minutes for the brand value.
Third, pick out the best design, layout and play to the role of the blueprint, shows that the proportion of each advertising element and location. Once the production manager to know the size of the one of the advertising, the number of images, composing and the art elements such as color and illustrations are used, the cost of making the advertising they can determine.
Small kind
Small sample (thumbnail), the manifestation is the artists used to layout the rough rendering, small (about 3 x 4 inches), omitted details, more rough, is the most basic things. A straight line or the position of the said the body of water ripple, box said the location of the graphics. Then, select the course of further development.
In details, the artists draw the actual size of advertisement, put forward the final wording of the candidate headings and subheadings, illustrations and photographs, expressed in horizontal lines of text. Can advertising company to the customer, especially care about the cost of the customer, submit details, ask for their approval.
At the end of the manuscript
To the end of the manuscript (comprehensive layout/comp) this step, make have very fine, almost as well as the finished product. At the end of the manuscript is generally very detailed, have a color photo, determine a good font style, size, and cooperate with small images, plus a light spray paper sleeve. Now, at the end of the draft of the document layout and collocation are carried out by a computer to the image elements, the print ads like four-color press proof. At this stage, all image elements should be finally implemented.
Sample manuals, pp material or sell more display holding by the look and feel. Artists using color marker and computer press proof, the sample by hand on the cardboard, then cutting and folding according to size. For example, manual sample is page bound, with real products look the same.
Layout of combination
At the end of the manuscript to the printing copy must be put all the words and graphics accurately position. Now, most of the designers to use the computer to complete this part of work, no idea of this procedure. But some advertisers still retains its traditional layout combinations, in a blank version (also called puzzle pasteup) according to their respective shall be marked in the position of the black font and art elements, and then covered with a transparent paper, mark color is tonal and location. Due to the printing shop before to copy with a large process camera to take pictures of puzzle, basic and tonal, set advertising copy and film, as a result, the printing is often called the puzzle photoengraving (camera ready art).
Any link in the design process - until before the ink on paper -- are likely to advertising art element changes. , of course, as a result, costs can also increase along with the progress of link multiplied, the more in the future, the cost of change, even up to ten times.
Copywriters and art direction has always faced with the problem of "recognition". The bigger advertising company and customers, this procedure is more complicated. A new concept of advertising must first approved by the advertising company, creative director, then in the client's department audit, then passed on to the client's product managers and marketing personnel audit, they tend to change one or two words, sometimes even overthrow the whole presentation. Both sides of the legal department again to strict censorship of copywriters and art elements, in order to avoid problems, finally, the concept of enterprise executives to selected and the body for review.
In the "acceptance" is the biggest difficulties, how to avoid letting the executive advertising the original style. Creative team has spent a lot of effort to find affinity advertising style, but a group of people is not copy, not artists have the right to completely change it. Is very difficult to maintain purity of art, need patience, flexible, mature and clear effectively express the important point of view, can explain the artists choose reason
Picture color supplement details description
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Color and the importance of eyes like our ears must appreciate the music, it's hard to imagine if in a world without color, what will it look like?
Green should be very careful to use, because for most people, have a strong feelings, he have positive and negative. In some cases, it is a kind of friendship, loyalty and understanding. In the field of finance, green is usually used to describe the production areas, health care, but deep down, a lot of people it has often been likened to envy, mean.
Gray in most cases, a conservative, it represents, practical, and sadness, security and reliability. It may be a boring color, on behalf of the square, no vitality. Is to take it as a background, unless you want to put the dim and conservative ideas convey your customers, you'd better choose other neutral colors for the background color, such as light brown and white. But if grey properly mixed with a certain cool color, such as depression, depression may be successful. ?
For most people the lavender can express color feelings is another kind of color, is often used in romantic story, nostalgic nostalgia, and emphasizes the beautiful case, for creativity, uneven constancy, with unforgettable sex, it is also often used.
Whether we like pink and light purple. It is rich in gentle and feminine implication, when use requirements we must depend on your specific situation.
Purple is a mysterious color, symbol of imperial power and spiritual, for unconventional and creativity, it is not only a good choice, it is the only choice.
Orange is a warm, enthusiastic, dynamic and luxury. If you want to do is gorgeous and eye-catching, so please use the orange! As a prominent tonal, it may stimulate your customer emotion, so it's best to use, put it on the appearance outstanding working position. And must remember to carefully use the orange and blue.
Red is the most warm color, express the meaning of enthusiasm and passion. Heat and fire, the speed and passion, generosity and excited, competition and attack can be red. It may be to stimulate the unquiet color. But used with brown, blue, shallow purple, not so good. Red expressed by temperament, like orange, brown, yellow, you can easily express your emotions.
In the design, we have more color to choose, but we must choose the most suitable color.
Pictorial planning
Make the key link is the overall picture album "plot". Can say without hesitation, pictorial design to improve the quality of the now, in order to accurately reflect the strength of the company, must be under the condition of the company clearly positioning, following the path of "differentiation", "plot" attaches great importance to the album, with the help of a good to open "plot".
Pictorial image quality as the foundation of the album, also cannot have the slightest contempt. As we know, is now "reading pictures" era, many occasions are mainly pictures to reflect the problem, and text just play a supporting role. Under such circumstances, we must in photography and design work, please the most suitable for the early stage of the photographer take pictures, the most suitable designer to post-production, please. Of course materials used paper and printing process are also very important, not taken, before the hard work may be in vain.
Pictorial printing and screen printing
Large-format inkjet printing is a way of pictorial printing, compared with the traditional way of screen printing, has many advantages. Extremely rapid development in recent years, in particular, has been gradually penetrating to the traditional printing field. This article discusses the present situation and the development of large format printing, and analyzes the traditional large-format printing and screen printing both opportunities and challenges. Printer to correct view and grasp the relationship between the two.
As a kind of new digital printing printing solution is developing rapidly, and has set up a permeated various fields of traditional printing, large-format inkjet printing, in particular, has become the fastest growing in recent years, the most attention by manufacturers and users favor, has a broad market and great prospects for development.
A, the present situation of the large format printing Along with the expansion of large format printing market, significantly expanding its application range, in addition to the posters, ads, and signs, now a large-format printers also produce large-format digital proof, containers, commercial exhibition, point-of-sale flags and posters and the curtain of dramas and movies, even in fine art prints of printing.
Now, because of inkjet technology can solve many problems, its almost everywhere in the whole industry. At present, inkjet printing mainly has three methods: thermal spraying method, heat the liquid ink and through elaborate on the nozzle to the substrate; Piezoelectric method, the application of electrical pulses (not heat) release oily solid ink; Political reform, printer melt filling of waxy paint, then sprayed onto the substrate. The three different printing methods are quite different from the printing speed, the speed of liquid thermal spray the slowest, the piezoelectric method is the fastest, reform in between.
In cosmetics, fashion, food, watches and jewelry and so on poster advertising, picture poster production still maintained a considerable market share, this is mainly because the emergence of digital photo machine. Due to large format inkjet printer faster and faster, the production cost is lower, so more and more high quality product is the production of this new technology.
? With the development of digital technology, optical camera production has shifted to a digital camera production, using a laser or LED imaging technology and equipment, the continuous adjustable photo image "write" on photographic materials, and then developed with the traditional chemical methods. This new imaging methods make photographic printing production, because is cheaper than inkjet printing many printing production. But digital camera photo technology basic investment is high, more than $250000, by contrast, inkjet technology basic investment is only 10% of it. Inkjet printing system is more flexible, able to print on various types of substrates, the same machine can also have a variety of applications, but behind the camera photo only on paper or indoor lighting box used on a chip. Large-format inkjet printing market development faster and faster, consumables varieties more and more, and with the augmentation of the production capacity, will force the material prices down. But the machine printing resolution than today have no obvious increase, at least in the poster application field.
Second, the development of large-format inkjet printing large-format inkjet printing technology is the core of the ink and ink jet head, so the development of ink and ink jet head determines the development of large-format inkjet printing.
At present, ink and ink jet head have very big development. Inkjet machine use the ink has come from the traditional water-based ink to solvent-based inks, to the development of a new generation of water-based ink. Traditional water-based ink color saturation, the nozzle and the material damage small, small pollution, but not waterproof, anti-ultraviolet radiation. A new generation of water-based ink has solved the problem such as waterproof, anti-ultraviolet radiation, at the same time have bright colors, no corrosion, no pollution, and many other advantages, to overcome the large print machine products cannot enter indoor obstacles, will become the mainstream of the print machine ink. The current use of environmentally friendly water-based ink has the angel SuperJet and CorJet pictorial printing presses. Because the SuperJet and CorJet USES a new generation of nozzle and environmentally friendly water-based ink, as soon as they enter the market.
Tel: 86-13450261687 020-85945067 fax: 020-85945067 declined all cold calls!
E-mail:sbc2001@163.com address: south tai road no. 4, 168 3 LouKang acquisitive sharp professional photography
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